WEEK 9 / The Martian

For this week we were supposed to read "Space Opera" and I chose upon, "The Martian".

I had seen the movie when it initially came out and it was one of my favorite movies of that year, so I was excited to read the original source material.

I think if you really break it down, this is a survival story. Akin to Bear Grylls, being in an unfamiliar location, trying to eat, breath, survive, escape, etc.

I thought reading about a smart guy trying to work around all those things was super interesting, as it makes you put yourself in his shoes and wonder, "What would I do if I was in the same setting?"

Overall, I was a huge fan of this read even if it doesn't feel that "space-operay".

I think things like Guardians of the Galaxy, which I love, and Firefly, which I've seen a few episodes of, are better examples.


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