1. My reaction to this text is quite shocked and intrigued. As I was reading it, It took me a while to figure out what it was really about, as Butler really just throws the reader into the world without much context. I think that the reversal of gender roles is an interesting idea, but it still made me cringe while reading it. Couldn't imagine going through that, really goes to show how women really are much stronger than men in our reality. In this text, however, the idea of a male carrying a baby for an alien reminded me of Riddley Scott's Prometheus, even though it's a woman carrying it in that film. That idea has always freaked me out though, it made me cringe while reading about it in this text as well. 2. As stated in my last answer, I made a text to text connection with that of Riddley Scott's "Prometheus", mainly due to the "carrying an alien baby" plot point. I really like the underlying idea that humans aren't the superior species any...